I just bought this rug:
I'm going to make a duvet cover for her bed. Look at this fabric!!! Love.

and find a cheap dresser to re-do. (Can you believe we don't have a dresser for her??) I'm hoping to find one that we can use as a changing table for our second. (I'm not pregnant, I'm just thinking ahead ;) I'm thinking something like this!
I think she needs a little bookcase too! I'll probably do it white and line the back with a fun fabric like I did with our other bookcase. I think this time I'll try to find a bookcase that is already white..Painting sucks. Oooh and she needs a lamp too :) I've been wanting to re-do a lamp for a while now. There's nothing some spray paint and some cute fabric can't fix :) I'm sure I'll be at Savers and DI looking for fun treasures over the next couple of months :) I seriously love thrift store shopping. I have a problem... Anyway, I'm just brainstorming, don't mind me...
I was watching Marlee in Taylors room yesterday and she was loving playing on Tays bed. She will be so excited to have one of her own. I think your ideas are great. Can't wait to see the finished product.